If you want to uninstall JoinerCAD on macOS system, you should follow these instructions. These instructions are valid only from JoinerCAD V2.2.3 and up.
There are two ways how you can reach our uninstaller:
Method 1:
1. Open Fusion 360, go to Utilities tab and open Scripts and Add-Ins dialog:
2. Go to Add-Ins tab and Select JoinerCAD Add-In from the list:
3. Click Right Mouse Button and select Open File Location:
4. Search for JoinerCAD's uninstaller Script in that directory:
5. Run it. After, Restart Fusion 360 and JoinerCAD will be removed. Keep in mind that this script will delete entire directory and all files.
Method 2:
1. Navigate to: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Autodesk Fusion 360/API/AddIns/JoinerCAD 2.x.x
2. Search for JoinerCAD's uninstaller Script in that directory:
3. Run it. After, Restart Fusion 360 and JoinerCAD will be removed. Keep in mind that this script will delete entire directory and all files.