Sometimes the Assets Library.adsklib file gets corrupted (it is located here: (Windows: C:\Users\Public\Documents\WW Data\Assets; macOS:/Users/Shared/WW Data/Assets
). This file stores the entire library of materials and appearances used by Autodesk Fusion.
This situation usually occurs when an appearance is downloaded from the Autodesk server, which then corrupts all the entries in the Assets Library.adsklib file, regardless of whether they are used in JoinerCAD or not.
What happens? The brightness of the entries in that file is reduced to 0. Therefore, fixing it can be done in two ways:
If there aren't many individually created entries, it’s simpler to delete the entire library file, replace it with a new one (delete existing Assets Library.adsklib file and re-install JoinerCAD), and recreate the previous material and appearance entries.
The other, longer method is to edit the existing entries by restoring their brightness to the previous level. The process is as follows: move the specific appearance entry to Favorites:
Edit it:
Click on the texture (image) icon, and a dialog will appear. In this dialog, change the brightness to 100%.:
Then, you need to close and save the entry:
Finally, the edited entry must be returned to the library (using the right mouse button, move it back to the WW Data file, into the same category from which it was initially moved). This action overwrites the entry in the database:
Repeat this procedure for all textures that are corrupted.